Last week, Signal 1's Elliot Holman opened up on air about his and his wife, Briony's journey with IVF.
Elliot explained that he and Briony started trying for a baby in 2020, and it didn't quite go as planned. He went on to say that he and Briony were going to go through the process of IVF. Elliot opened up about how difficult the journey has been, and was incredibly vulnerable and shared his feelings and fears on the subject.
Elliot mentioned that conversations around IVF don't happen enough - and we agree. Openly sharing your IVF journey and raising awareness of the shadowed topic is extremely important in helping others feel that they are not alone.
As a Maternal Mental Health Charity, Mothers Mind - Staffordshire will be creating space for thought and reflection around IVF and Maternal Mental Health. Breaking down the stigma that Maternal Mental Illness can still happen even when the baby is desperately longed for.
So, we approached one of our lovely Mums, Kayleigh, who has used Mothers Mind - Staffordshire's services (both online support and our in person support groups) since the birth of her beautiful daughter, Luna. Kayleigh felt able and ready to share her journey of IVF and Maternal Mental Illess, portraying the difficulties both before and after the birth and the mental preparation of expecting another loss.
It's a true blessing to be part of Kayleigh's journey - we have watched her grow in strength and confidence. We would like to share Kayleigh's story with you, to further break the stigma when it comes to IVF and Maternal Mental Health:
After 7 years of infertility and 4 transfers, I had my beautiful daughter in May. I couldn’t believe it; she was all I ever wanted. In the weeks after she was born I started to suffer with postnatal anxiety and depression. I thought it was normal after giving birth and it would go after a couple a weeks.
The weeks turned into months and I was still suffering. With all the years of planning and wondering what it will be like to family be a “completed family” it was odd that the IVF process was finally over and she was here.
I then started to feel guilty for feeling the way I did when all I ever wanted was a baby and had fought so hard for her. I just couldn’t get my head around it and this made my depression worse. I then didn’t want to talk about suffering with my mental health as I thought people would judge me as I had my IVF miracle.
I thought because you have been through the rollercoaster of IVF that you wouldn’t suffer with poor mental health but postnatal anxiety/depression doesn’t discriminate. It doesn’t matter how long it has taken you to get pregnant, how much you wanted a baby or the journey you have been on. It can still affect you.
I went to the doctor and was put on medication. I started to feel a bit more like myself and realised it was I was probably more normal for feeling the way I did.
Alongside my husband and family, Mothers Mind Staffordshire has been amazing. They are the best bunch of ladies you will meet and are the most supportive mums. My mental health has improved due to Mothers Mind. I have met some amazing people and have even left with a best friend!

If you, or someone you know are struggling with Maternal Mental Health, and would like to know more about our services, you can contact us on the below details: