What is Perinatal Mental Health?
Perinatal mental health, is our emotional well-being during pregnancy and the first year after birth.
1 in 4 new mums experience emotional challenges during the perinatal stage, stepping into a new season of huge changes and adjustments, with heightened emotions. So it’s very common for new and expectant parents to find themselves experiencing perinatal mental health difficulties.
These can include a wide range of symptoms and often are interlinking.
During pregnancy and as a new parent, you may be feeling;
You’re constantly worrying – often about the same thing over and over again, like your baby’s routine or health
You’re scared about things you wouldn’t usually be scared of
Your mind can’t switch off, even when you’re exhausted
Everything is overwhelming and small tasks feel really challenging
You’ve lost your zest for life
Everything feels like a huge effort – you can’t find joy in anything
You feel confused, like you can’t think straight
You feel sad constantly and are often in tears
You feel hopeless
Worried about bonding
You haven’t felt that wonderful wave of unconditional love for your baby that you’ve seen in films and on TV
You feel a sense of detachment from your baby
You feel frightened around your baby, and find the sense of responsibility overwhelming
Low in confidence
You feel guilty about not being the ‘perfect’ parent
You worry that how you’re feeling will affect your baby
You’re constantly comparing yourself to other parents, thinking they cope much better than you
You don’t want to socialise with other parents in case they judge you
All of these feelings are very ‘normal’ - they’re just not talked about enough!
At Mothers Mind Staffordshire, we create a safe space to share with like minded people, without judgement, encouraging holistic wellness at a gentle pace for each women, as they take ownership of their recovery, building long lasting resilience and self understanding.
We pride ourselves on our nurturing and loving ways, we are strong women who have battled prenatal and postnatal depression, maternal anxiety, OCD, intrusive thoughts, challenge of bond and attachment, birth trauma and struggles transitioning into a mum.
We are Mothers Mind - Staffordshire, a charity delivering women centred approach of care.